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The UK’s biggest ever celebration of community action to tackle climate change and protect nature, The Great Big Green Week is on Saturday 24 September to Sunday 2 October.  Wymondham is joining this national event for the first time this year.

The Great Big Green Week is 9 days of events to encourage people to act locally to tackle the climate change crisis.  Tens of thousands of people all over the country will be celebrating the heartfelt, brave and everyday actions being taken to stand up for nature, protect green spaces and fight climate change.


We are seeing the impacts of extreme weather events caused by the heating climate on people and places that we love, both here and abroad.  The time is now to do everything we can to protect them. Climate change is the biggest fight of our lifetime.  We must show the Government that we want them to deliver on the promises they made last year at COP 22 In Glasgow.  We must protect the planet now and for future generations.


Greening Wymondham is joining forces with Totally Locally and Fiver Fest to encourage traders and businesses to celebrate all the green and environmentally things that they do.  We hope their window displays will turn the town centre green!


There will be lots of other events taking place during the week to show what we are doing and how much our Town can offer with its close connection to the countryside.  The week starts with a Litter Pick on the Saturday starting from the Baptist Church, Eco plays at the North Wymondham Community Centre and Take it for Free all over the town where our unwanted items can be re-cycled to new homes.  Browick Community Orchard Project and Toll’s Meadow Nature Reserve will welcome guests.  Through the week there will be a variety of walks showing connections to nature and the countryside.  Roots Café at the Baptist Church will welcome visitors with a display on their inspiring Eco Church project and a GBGW Display.


What we would really like is get everyone talking about what we can do to protect the environment.  Whatever action we take however small, they all add up.  So please join us at one of our events below.


Just some of the litter picked Autumn 2021_edited.jpg



A copy of our events poster is available here.


Saturday, 24th September


  • GBGW LAUNCH - Community Action to Tackle Climate Change & Protect Nature. Find out what’s it all about & how you can help to make a difference. Baptist Church Hall, Queen Street, 10am - 1pm.


  • LITTER PICK - Town Litter Pick organised by Greening Wymondham. Volunteers needed, help tidy up our town. Litter Pickers & Bags provided. Refreshments available afterwards. Baptist Church Hall 10am - 12pm.


  • FOUR BY FOUR - A selection of original plays with an environmental theme by the Four by Four players. North Wymondham Community Centre 7.30pm.  Tickets £6.00. Book in advance. Pay on the door. Text 07851 370666 or email


Sunday, 25th September


  • TAKE IT FOR FREE - Rather than go to landfill, recycle. Like a garage sale only it’s for free. Leave any unwanted items on your driveway or front garden for others to take away for free. Please remove all items that have not been collected. Multiple Locations. 9am - 3pm.  To take part (No registration fee): Text your address to 07851 370666 to be included in a list of participants which will be posted on social media.  Poster available here.


  • GREEN SPACES: ORCHARD PROJECT - Find out about the Community Orchard, what’s been happening and plans for the future. Project leaders will be on hand to explain. Browick Rd Recreation Ground (Browick Rd entrance) 2pm - 4pm.


  • GREEN SPACES: TOLL’S MEADOW - With Wymondham Nature Group (Wyng), Toll’s Meadow warden and local volunteers, explaining about flora & fauna conservation on this valuable community resource. Toll’s Meadow 2pm - 4pm.


Monday, 26th September


  • ECO CAFÉ COFFEE MORNING - GBGW Info display together with Eco Church project display. Find out about community action on climate change, recycling & protecting nature. Root’s Café, Baptist church, Queen Street 10am - 1pm


  • WYMONDHAM WALKERS - Relaxed evening stroll (approx. 1 hour), join local group “Wymondham Walkers” on a nature walk in the town. For further details see Wymondham Walkers Facebook page. Wymondham Market Cross, 7pm.


Tuesday, 27th September


  • GUIDED WALK OF LIZARD & OXFORD COMMON - Guided Walk, approx. 2 miles. Visiting the Lizard and Oxford Common, to view conservation work. Wear stout shoes. Meet 10am at car park by Lizard Rail Bridge just past Railway pub off Station Rd.


Wednesday, 28th September


  • WYMONDHAM GROWING TOGETHER - Come and find out about the community “Vegepod” with autumn seedling planting for winter harvesting with Greening Wymondham and Wymondham in Bloom volunteers. Beside White Hart pub garden, Back Lane 12pm.


Thursday, 29th September


  • COUNTRY RAMBLE - Walk into the countryside with local walkers via Toll’s Meadow and Strayground Lane, approx. 3 miles/2 hour leisurely ramble. Wear stout shoes. Meet Market Cross 10am.


  • BAT WALK - Norfolk & Norwich Bat Group volunteers lead a walk in search of Bats via the Abbey, Becketswell & Damgate. Families welcome. Approx 1 hr talk & walk. Meet Market Cross 6.30pm.


Friday, 30th September


  • ECO CAFÉ COFFEE MORNING - GBGW Info display together with Eco Church project display. Find out about community action on climate change, recycling & protecting nature. Root’s Café, Baptist church, Queen Street 10am - 1pm


Saturday, 1st October


  • COMMUNITY ORCHARD VOLUNTEER SESSION - Orchard Project – Browick Rd. Community volunteer morning. Bring gloves. Meet at entrance on Browick Rd opposite Gunton Rd . 10am to 12pm


All Week


  • KETT’S BOOKS WINDOW DISPLAY - a window display themed for GBGW from September 6th right through to October 6th at Wymondham’s community bookshop.


  • WYMONDHAM LIBRARY DISPLAY - The Library will also have an environmental themed display running for a month from September 7th.


  • TOTALLY LOCALLY AND FIVER FEST – shop locally as traders and businesses celebrate all the green and environmentally things that they do.  Learn more here.

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