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Our next Climate Action meeting was due to be held on Thursday 2nd April.  However due to the current situation with the Coronavirus we have had to postpone the meeting.  We plan to hold it in the future and will update the website once we have more details.


Up to now Greening Wymondham has focussed on green infrastructure activities – planting trees and bulbs in public spaces and managing Kett’s Park woodland in association with the Town Council. The Team is now looking forward to the start of work on a Neighbourhood Plan for Wymondham, which will be a partnership approach between the Town Council and residents. Part of the plan will be the development of a Green Infrastructure Strategy for the town. Identifying opportunities for developing both existing and new footpaths and open spaces. We also see the Neighbourhood Plan as part of the climate sustainable approach that we have started with Climate Action.

Greening Wymondham held a follow up Climate Action Meeting at the Queen’s Head on 22 January. This workshop style meeting was attended by about 40 members of the public and attendees discussed the effect of climate heating on a variety of topics – transport, planning and housing, green infrastructure, energy, waste management, schools and education. At the end of the meeting Ideas were captured and groups identified to work on them. The emphasis is on working with the community of Wymondham to promote environmental sustainability.


The Climate Emergency Motion that Greening Wymondham put to the Town Council last year, will not now be considered on 4th February as planned.  It will be considered at either the March or April meeting of the Town Council.  We will make sure that those who wish to attend in support are informed of the revised meeting date as soon as we know the exact date.


We held our Climate Action meeting on Friday 29th November 2019 in Abbey Hall, to coincide with the national climate strikes.  We’ll be releasing a special edition of our newsletter, but a brief summary of the meeting and some photos are below.

In total about 75 people attended and we were very pleased with the turn out.


Ann, our chair, opened the meeting explaining the reasons for the meeting; the deferral of any decision to declare a climate emergency by the local council and the need to propose suggestions and ideas which will be passed onto the council.  Also, to encourage local Wymondham people to actively engage in climate action plans.


Mary, the co-organiser of the meeting today, talked about the changes her family have adopted towards becoming carbon neutral but noting that there is so much more that needs to be done locally and globally. 


Caroline, the group’s tree co-ordinator, who is also involved with Extinction Rebellion, spoke about tree planting & the involvement of young people in Extinction Rebellion, which has helped bring Climate Action discussions to the fore.


Philip Richardson, a retired Norfolk farmer and author of the book “An Appetite for Change”, raised several points about the complexity of the subject and the need for sustained and concerted efforts, political parties working together, difficult decisions needing to be made locally, nationally & globally.


Kay, a scientist from the group, spoke from scientists’ perspective. The debate isn’t if climate change is happening but to what extent it will impact the planet and what corrective steps must be taken.


Penny, a committee member and one of our local councillors, spoke of the advance of technology with electric vehicles & how electric vehicles will become the norm in 5-7 years, as installation of chargers is becoming easier, and one of the ways to become carbon neutral.


Nicola, the other meeting co-organiser, reminded everyone that the main objective of today’s meeting was to ask people to give suggestions and to consider what climate actions they could take in their lives. 


A brief question session was held where members of the audience were able to raise points & ask questions.  After the meeting people stayed to look over our display board and literature which included a 10-point climate action list along with climate action suggestions we had already received from people prior to the meeting.

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